How do I print my pattern to ensure correct size?

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Our downloadable PDF patterns are broken down into several A4 pages, which are printed on your home printer, and then stuck together. So it’s really important to make sure the settings on your printer are correct. This will ensure your printed pattern pieces will be the correct size for your garment.

  • Open the file in a PDF reader.
  • In the print settings box, make sure that the file is set to print at actual size (not scale to fit), or the scale is set to 100%:

  • Make sure you have the ‘Print two sides’ option turned off so your pattern will only print on one side of the paper:
  • Find the 'Test Square' on the pattern, which is usually on the first or second page of the PDF. It will tell you what the square should measure when printed. In this example, the square should measure 2 inches by 2 inches. Print this page only for now.

  • Measure the printed test square with your ruler. If it’s too big or too small, then adjust your printer settings by adjusting the scale section, then print and measure again. Repeat this process until it measures correctly.
  • You are now ready to print the entire pattern!
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